RGB-to-CMYK Color Conversion
Question: How do I convert a color from RGB model to CMYK model in JavaScript? Answer: The CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK) color model is widely used in printed media just as the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) model used for on-screen colors. Below is a simple RGB-to-CMYK color converter function. Try it now input the RGB values (in the range 0 to 255) and click Convert to CMYK: Here is the JavaScript source code of the RGB-to-CMYK converter function.function rgb2cmyk (r,g,b) { var computedC = 0; var computedM = 0; var computedY = 0; var computedK = 0; //remove spaces from input RGB values, convert to int var r = parseInt( (''+r).replace(/\s/g,''),10 ); var g = parseInt( (''+g).replace(/\s/g,''),10 ); var b = parseInt( (''+b).replace(/\s/g,''),10 ); if ( r==null || g==null || b==null || isNaN(r) || isNaN(g)|| isNaN(b) ) { alert ('Please enter numeric RGB values!'); return; } if (r<0 || g<0 || b<0 || r>255 || g>255 || b>255) { alert ('RGB values must be in the range 0 to 255.'); return; } // BLACK if (r==0 && g==0 && b==0) { computedK = 1; return [0,0,0,1]; } computedC = 1 - (r/255); computedM = 1 - (g/255); computedY = 1 - (b/255); var minCMY = Math.min(computedC, Math.min(computedM,computedY)); computedC = (computedC - minCMY) / (1 - minCMY) ; computedM = (computedM - minCMY) / (1 - minCMY) ; computedY = (computedY - minCMY) / (1 - minCMY) ; computedK = minCMY; return [computedC,computedM,computedY,computedK]; }
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