Math Constants

This page is moving; this old copy is retained for archival purposes only.
The new location, with a code example, is here: Math Constants in JavaScript.

Question: How do I handle mathematical constants in JavaScript?

Answer: In JavaScript, some mathematical constants are predefined as properties of the Math object. You can write these constants as follows:

Math.PI      // pi = 3.14159265...
Math.E       // e = 2.71828182...
Math.LOG2E   // log of e base 2
Math.LOG10E  // log of e base 10
Math.LN2     // log of 2 base e
Math.LN10    // log of 10 base e
Math.SQRT2   // square root of 2
Math.SQRT1_2 // square root of 1/2
Thus, there is no need to remember the exact value of e or π. Just use Math.E or Math.PI!


See also:

  • JavaScript number literals aka constants
  • Math functions in JavaScript
  • Can I display mathematical symbols as part of JavaScript output?
  • Can I display Greek letters on my page as part of JavaScript output?
  • Accuracy of JavaScript computations
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