Accuracy of JavaScript Computations
Question: Sometimes JavaScript computations seem to yield "inaccurate" results, e.g. 0.362*100 yields 36.199999999999996. How can I avoid this?
Internally JavaScript stores all numbers in double-precision floating-point format,
with a 52-bit mantissa and an 11-bit exponent (the IEEE 754 Standard for storing numeric values).
This internal representation of numbers may cause unexpected results like the above.
Most integers greater than
Example: In order to round the result of the multiplication rawX = 0.362*100 // number close to 36.2 document.write(rawX) // 36.199999999999996 roundedX = Math.round(1000*rawX)/1000 // number even closer to 36.2 document.write(roundedX) // 36.2 resultStr = roundedX.toFixed(3) // string '36.200' document.write(resultStr) // 36.200In the above example, it is obvious that JavaScript computation in the first line of code does not yield an exact result (when we output the result rawX , we do not get 36.2 , but rather 36.199999999999996 ).
Less obvious is the fact that even after we use the Math.round method and then divide by 1000 ,
the value roundedX is not necessarily an exact result, either.
(Indeed, the decimal 36.2 is not exactly representable in the IEEE 754 format.)
However, roundedX = Math.round(1000*rawX)/1000 is more accurate than rawX
roundedX is so close that calling alert(roundedX) produces 36.2 as expected.
Similarly, roundedX.toFixed(3) produces '36.200' as expected.
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