This fast factoring calculator is written entirely in JavaScript.
Unlike many other JavaScript calculators, it does not have
the usual 16-digit limit (up to 253 = 9007199254740992, hence 16 digits only).
Here, you can factor 20-digit numbers.
SOME TEST CASES FOR PRIME FACTORIZATION: 9007199254740881 (the largest prime under 2^53) 9007199254740997 (the smallest prime over 2^53) 9007199254740991 = 6361*69431*20394401 9007199254740992 = 2^53 9007199254740993 = 3*107*28059810762433 9999986200004761 = 99999931*99999931 99999989237606677 = 316227731*316227767 999999866000004473 = 999999929*999999937 9999999942014077477 = 3162277633*3162277669 99999980360000964323 = 9999999017*9999999019 99999980380000962361 = 9999999019*9999999019 99994452415200570527 = 4641503*4641503*4641503 99999999999999999999 = 3*3*11*41*101*271*3541*9091*27961 10000000000000000001 = 11*909090909090909091
See also:
Doing Math with JavaScript. Copyright © 1999-2015, JavaScripter.net.