How to use the calculator:
1. Select City A and City B, or
enter the latitude & longitude manually.
2. Click the Distance button.
Supported latitude & longitude formats:
Decimals or degrees-minutes-seconds
In place of the degree sign ° you may type d.
45.0000 -121.0000
47°36'11"N 122°19'22"W
47d36'12"N 122d19'34"W
47°36'N 122°19'W
47d36'N 122d19'W
1dN 25dE
1°N 25°E
Flying distances are computed along great circles.
The calculator assumes that:
The Earth is a perfect sphere
1 kilometer = 1/40000 of the Earth's great circle
1 mile = 1.609344 km
1 nautical mile = 1 minute of arc on a great circle
Driving distance ≈ 1.2 × flying distance
(shown only for cities within the same country)