Plotting a function graphQuestion: How do I plot a graph of a mathematical function using JavaScript?
To plot a graph of a function on your webpage, use the Example: Here is a graph of the functions sin x (green) and cos 3x (blue). The graph has been created using the following JavaScript code: function fun1(x) {return Math.sin(x); } function fun2(x) {return Math.cos(3*x);} function draw() { var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); if (null==canvas || !canvas.getContext) return; var axes={}, ctx=canvas.getContext("2d"); axes.x0 = .5 + .5*canvas.width; // x0 pixels from left to x=0 axes.y0 = .5 + .5*canvas.height; // y0 pixels from top to y=0 axes.scale = 40; // 40 pixels from x=0 to x=1 axes.doNegativeX = true; showAxes(ctx,axes); funGraph(ctx,axes,fun1,"rgb(11,153,11)",1); funGraph(ctx,axes,fun2,"rgb(66,44,255)",2); } function funGraph (ctx,axes,func,color,thick) { var xx, yy, dx=4, x0=axes.x0, y0=axes.y0, scale=axes.scale; var iMax = Math.round((ctx.canvas.width-x0)/dx); var iMin = axes.doNegativeX ? Math.round(-x0/dx) : 0; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = thick; ctx.strokeStyle = color; for (var i=iMin;i<=iMax;i++) { xx = dx*i; yy = scale*func(xx/scale); if (i==iMin) ctx.moveTo(x0+xx,y0-yy); else ctx.lineTo(x0+xx,y0-yy); } ctx.stroke(); } function showAxes(ctx,axes) { var x0=axes.x0, w=ctx.canvas.width; var y0=axes.y0, h=ctx.canvas.height; var xmin = axes.doNegativeX ? 0 : x0; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(128,128,128)"; ctx.moveTo(xmin,y0); ctx.lineTo(w,y0); // X axis ctx.moveTo(x0,0); ctx.lineTo(x0,h); // Y axis ctx.stroke(); }It is safe to call the draw() function after the entire body of the webpage is loaded.
The source code of an HTML page containing the canvas element may look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><title>Canvas code example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> // JavaScript source code goes here </script> </head> <body onload="draw()"> <canvas id="canvas" width="502" height="108"></canvas> </body> </html> Note:
If you omit the See also:
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