Keyboard events with Ctrl, Alt, Shift keys
Question: How do I detect keyboard events with Ctrl, Alt, and Shift keys?
Answer: In modern browsers,
your script can check whether a keyboard event occurred while the user was
pressing any of the Ctrl, Alt, Shift keys.
In the example below, this is accomplished for the
Press any key together with any combination of Ctrl, Alt, and Shift keys,
and the key combination will be detected by the following script
(that resides in the function handleKeyDown(e) { var ctrlPressed=0; var altPressed=0; var shiftPressed=0; var evt = (e==null ? event:e); shiftPressed=evt.shiftKey; altPressed =evt.altKey; ctrlPressed =evt.ctrlKey; self.status="" + "shiftKey="+shiftPressed +", altKey=" +altPressed +", ctrlKey=" +ctrlPressed if ((shiftPressed || altPressed || ctrlPressed) && (evt.keyCode<16 || evt.keyCode>18)) alert ("You pressed the "+fromKeyCode(evt.keyCode) +" key (keyCode "+evt.keyCode+")\n" +"together with the following keys:\n" + (shiftPressed ? "Shift ":"") + (altPressed ? "Alt " :"") + (ctrlPressed ? "Ctrl " :"") ) return true; } document.onkeydown = handleKeyDown; |
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